An unfortunate incident

Dear Friends in Christ, This past Sunday we had a small reminder of why the work we are doing together is so important. During our stewardship campaign you heard me mention the fact that we are still in a tough economy and not everyone is in the same place. That is a gentle way of … READ MORE…

Stewardship Witness: A Healing Welcome

I always wanted to be an altar boy… Growing up in a Catholic church in Utah in the late 60s, that wasn’t going to happen. That’s not to say I didn’t grow up in a spiritual and involved household—I mean, I thought everyone had priests to dinner regularly. My mother was heavily involved in the … READ MORE…

Stewardship Witness: The Miracle

What am I thankful for at St. Paul’s and why do I choose to be generous? I answer that question differently now than I did when I first started coming to the Cathedral, thanks to an experience that changed our lives. After attending St. Paul’s for several months, I could answer the question about what … READ MORE…

Stewardship Witness: Coming Home

Good morning! I have to confess, that there was a time when speeches like this, in the middle of Mass, would really irritate me. I would mumble under my breath, “Can’t they do this on a different day? We have a priest here after all – who the heck is this person?!?” Oh my have … READ MORE…

Breaking through: The Physical Matters

Before my second adventure with cancer last year, I fancied myself a fairly balanced person. “Moderation in everything” was one of my mantras, and I figured I had this particular discipline down pat. My worldview sprang from personal experience and my relationship with God, but I could also appreciate a beautiful view and a glass … READ MORE…

Invitation to Take a Leap of Faith

This past week (Wednesday November 11th), I celebrated the 2nd anniversary of my Baptism here at St. Paul’s. At the time, it was an inconceivable event in my life that marked me as Christ’s own forever, and set into motion a series of events and experiences that I could never have imagined – First and … READ MORE…

Stewardship Witness

As Scott said, I was asked to talk about why I love St. Paul’s, and I’m going to do that in three short scenes. Last spring, I helped with the baptism class, in which parents and sponsors learn and reflect about the meaning of Baptism. Toward the end of the class, I watched as these … READ MORE…