Bank Profits Equal Climate Deaths

One more thing you can do about climate change!–Join ICEJ and Simpler Living on Mon. Nov. 13 downtown I’m going to start this with a confession.  Do I get burned out sometimes on the urgency of doing something about climate change?  Thanks for asking, yes I do.  Do I know what exactly is the single … READ MORE…

Speaking Truth to Power

St. Paul’s Simpler Living Creation Care Ministry: Given what we’ve learned about climate change and its impact on God’s creation, sometimes we are called to stand up and speak out. Members of St. Paul’s Simpler Living recently participated in an action in Carlsbad organized by GreenFaith members (two pictured here) and our local Interfaith Coalition for … READ MORE…

Doggies Do Right

From the Simpler Living creation care ministry: Yes, we know, Blessing of the Animals was last week! Yet it’s never too late to consider how we treat our animal companions when it comes to Caring for Creation. For more on eco-conscious pet care visit Even our pets can join us on the path to … READ MORE…

Preserving Native Heritage

From Our Cathedral Simpler Living Creation Care and Sacred Ground in Action (SGIA) ministries: Sometimes we are blessed with a serendipitous opportunity: in this instance we can act in solidarity with our indigenous sisters and brothers by supporting an ecosystem they have creatively stewarded for many centuries. The Chumash  (pronounced Shoo – maa- sh) Heritage National Marine … READ MORE…

Winding Down & Walking Forward

From St. Paul’s Simpler Living Creation Care Ministry: As we approach the end of the Season of Creation, with October 8th’s Blessing of the Animals, please consider these additional creation focused offerings. This Saturday: Join Fr. Brian Petersen in his Season of Creation Chaparral Chapel walk September 30 at the San Diego Bay National Wildlife Refuge … READ MORE…

Financing a Livable Future

From the Simpler Living creation care ministry At this week’s Climate Ambition Summit in New York City, UN Secretary-General Antony Gutierrez told the audience, “Humanity has opened the gates of hell…. Climate action is dwarfed by the scale of the challenge…. But the future is not fixed…. We must make up time lost to foot-dragging, … READ MORE…

Sustainable Solutions For Life

From the Simpler Living creation care ministry: There are so many ways that we can address the climate crisis.  At our upcoming Adult Forum, A Faithful Call to Defund Fossil Fuelishness we’ll discover more solutions as we explore how we literally use our money. And this Sunday Simpler Living will feature a Season of Creation “Show and Tell” … READ MORE…

Letter From Simpler Living: Walking the Talk

Lately in St Paul’s Morning Prayer on Zoom, we have been reflecting on readings that highlight faith and works.  During this Season of Creation It’s especially fitting that this biblical combination grabs our attention. When we accept the words in Genesis, “God saw all that He made, and it was very good*,” when we have … READ MORE…

2023 Fall Faith Formation Classes

Christian faith formation is a lifelong journey, one which calls us to continually grow in our relationship with God, self, others, and creation. St. Paul’s Episcopal Cathedral aims to help you in this pursuit through our annual educational classes. Purchase of the related books is the only cost associated with each class. All are welcome to attend. Don’t forget … READ MORE…

Justice Prevails! & More on the Season of Creation

From Simpler Living Creation Care Ministry: Justice prevails! Events such as this embolden our hope.  Find out more on the recent landmark federal case in Montana ruled in favor of a group of young plaintiffs who had accused state officials in Montana of violating their right to a healthy environment. Read about it on And join … READ MORE…