More on the Season of Creation

From Simpler Living Creation Care Ministry: Here are two Cathedral Season of Creation offerings that you might want to include on your calendar: Hike in Balboa Park on September 15! Longtime Simpler Living member and past convener Phil Petrie will lead us on an urban walk in Balboa Park, which will take about an hour and … READ MORE…

Letter from Diane: Simpler Living Ministry

Once again St. Paul’s Cathedral – as a member of the Anglican Communion – will celebrate the global September Season of Creation. We will be one of the many ecumenical communities across the world that honoring this year’s theme “To hope and to act with creation” through prayer, education, and action for God’s good creation. … READ MORE…

The Season of Creation 2024

From St Paul’s Simpler Living Creation Care ministry: St Paul’s Cathedral once again will celebrate the September Season of Creation throughout the month, featuring a Creation-themed liturgy on 9/22. We are one of many ecumenical communities across the world that will participate in activities in response to the call to care for creation.  The Anglican … READ MORE…

Faith Communities and the Legislative Process

From Simpler Living Creation Care: Hopefully many Cathedral members have taken the opportunity to respond to The Episcopal Church’s call to support important proposed National social justice legislation through the Office of Government Relation. Some of those calls to action have appeared in our weekly bulletin. View the calls-to-action (Click Here). There are also regional interfaith … READ MORE…

Climate Migration is happening now!

Sacred Ground in Action & Simpler Living Creation Care ministry: As people of faith, can we acknowledge the reality of climate migration and – more than ever – the need to welcome the stranger? Creation Justice Ministries invites us to learn about ways to welcome our local and global neighbors who have been – and the … READ MORE…

Discerning Choices

From Simpler Living Creation Care Ministry: As a coastal community and congregation that cares for Creation, we have two great reasons to reduce our plastic consumption.  It starts with refusing to choose single-use plastics. And while Plastics Free July has come and gone, we can still take advantage of the great resources provided by several … READ MORE…

St. Paul’s Simpler Living Creation Care ministry:  Making small change for God’s Creation

As people of faith we are called to move from our comfort zones to take action for justice. GreenFaith, a multi-faith climate and environmental movement endorsed by Simpler Living and the Interfaith Coalition for Earth Justice, has issued a groundbreaking report calling on the world’s largest banks to phase out their finance for coal, oil and … READ MORE…

Celebrating our Connections and Community

From Sacred Ground in Action and Simpler Living Creation Care ministries: In another instance of “everything is connected,” here is a wonderful Green America resource. May Asian and Pacific American Heritage month encompasses  “…people from all 48 countries of the Asian continent and the 25 island nations that make up Melanesia, Micronesia, and Polynesia. Like … READ MORE…

Powering Forward

From St. Paul’s Simpler Living Creation Care Ministry:  Maybe you were one of the many who signed the Power San Diego petition – either after Sunday Coffee Hour at the Simpler Living advocacy table or somewhere else in San Diego – to have the ballot initiative including in our next election. On Tuesday May 14, … READ MORE…

Sharing is Caring

St. Paul’s Simpler Living Creation Care Ministry: Simpler Living is grateful for having had the opportunity to partner with our sister Cathedral ministries – Administration, Adult Formation, and Family Ministry – during Earth Month. We grow so much when we share our interests and work together. We have learned and benefited from the good words and … READ MORE…