Building Community

Simpler Living Creation Care Ministry: These are the days when the company of others is more important than ever before.  Nature sets its own communities, and we can learn much from God’s good creation. Book studies provide an opportunity for community building. One of our Lenten Faith Formation offerings provides such a space for community … READ MORE…

A Capitol Idea!

St. Paul’s Simpler Living Creation Care Ministry: In this – ahem – unusual political environment, some folks are exercising their agency by thoughtfully supporting efforts to mitigate the worst impacts of climate change. While what affects one of us affects ALL of us, here is one that impacts us directly. In the last 5 years, … READ MORE…

Preparing For Painful Possibilities

St. Paul’s Simpler Living Creation Care Ministry We pray for others who have experienced that fear and loss from wildfires. We don’t think that’s going to happen to us. In these days of extreme weather exacerbated by climate change, no one is safe.  Climate resilience is an important consideration for the future and right now. Recently Mayor … READ MORE…

Ending 2024 on a Happy Note

St. Paul’s Cathedral Simpler Living Creation Care Ministry: There are – and will always be – reasons for appreciation, gratitude, and even joy as we consider the advances made for God’s good creation.  Here are three of them: federal coastal habitat protection, TEC divestment from the fossil fuel industry, and a book you won’t want … READ MORE…

Thoughts to Sustain us in the Days Ahead

St Paul’s Simpler Living Creation Care Ministry: “No matter what happens [in this election], we know that the work of climate justice and a sustainable healthy future for all must continue.” Amy Brooks Paradise, GreenFaith With the election of a new president, nothing has really changed in our need to take action on the crisis impacting … READ MORE…

Election Day Perspective

From Simpler Living Creation Care Ministry: Preoccupied with election tension? Nervous about what the future holds? Join Center for Spirituality and Nature’s Director Beth Norcross as she invites us on a virtual stress-reducing walk through the Shenandoah National Park. Click here to watch online. Or sometime this week head to your favorites quiet space – … READ MORE…

It’s Climate Week 2024!

From St. Paul’s Simpler Living Creation Care Ministry: It’s Climate Week in New York City, and meaningful to all of us as it was scheduled to coincide with the annual United Nations General Assembly meeting.  “The event brings together leaders across all industries calling for large-scale, international action to address climate change and offers us … READ MORE…

The Season of Creation Care Continues

From St. Paul’s Simpler Living Creation Care Ministry: The books are piling up for Sunday’s Simpler Living Book Swap! Up to 9/22, your well-read selections can be dropped in the yellow bins in the breezeway. The Simpler Living Book Swap invites us to re-gift/recycle books and declutter our bookshelves at the same time! On 9/22 the … READ MORE…