Sunday’s Sermon, January 5, 2025: Where We Belong

Second Sunday after Christmas, Penelope Bridges We are experiencing a bit of a time warp today, as we celebrate the last day of the Christmas season, look forward to Epiphany and the visit of the wise men tomorrow, and acknowledge that the world around us has moved on. Have you seen the Valentine’s Day merchandise … READ MORE…

Sunday’s Sermon, November 10, 2024: “In These Times”

Preacher The Rev. Canon Allisyn Thomas RCL/Year B Mark 12:38-44 If we were called to read scripture simplistically, the message of today’s Gospel reading from Mark could be summed up pretty easily: Scribes—bad; Widow—Good. In fact, after the deacon reads the lesson, ending with “The Gospel of the Lord,” and we respond with “Praise to you, Lord … READ MORE…