Letter: Organ Scholar Program

Our Cathedral Organist and Canon for Music, Canon Martin Green interviews Nicholas Halbert about his personal experience in the Organ Scholar Program.

A farewell from our organ scholar

Dear Friends, It is bittersweet to announce my farewell recital from St. Paul’s Cathedral. I have learned such a tremendous breadth of knowledge from Canon Green over the course of my tenure here and regret that I will not be able to continue to learn from him and work with the wonderful choirs here. Having … READ MORE…

Franckly speaking: summer concert series

Dear Friends, I am so thrilled to be announcing this July’s recital series at St. Paul’s Cathedral. At a time when many organizations are slowing down for summer vacation, we are so happy to be filling in the gap with beautiful music on the newly-restored Quimby pipe organ. This coming month we will be hosting … READ MORE…

A visit to Quimby: Organ Update

Quimby Workshops In late June I had the wonderful opportunity to visit Quimby Pipe Organ’s shops in person. In this article, I’ll take you along with me as best I can on my time spent there alongside some of the most talented pipe organ craftsmen in the United States. The Quimby Pipe Organ (QPO) facility … READ MORE…

Organ Update

Thank you! The Campaign Committee wishes to express its profound gratitude to all who have a made a pledge to the campaign thus far. We received a flurry of new pledges last week in response to the Dean’s request to turn pledges in by the end of June. In addition to the well over 200 … READ MORE…

The language of Heaven

As a part of our organ campaign, I am glad to be here to speak for a couple of minutes about the power of this organ and music in general. Music has surrounded me my whole life but it wasn’t until the terminal cancer of my step father that I realized its power and importance. … READ MORE…

A Sliver of the Divine

Standing here is quite transition for me – I’m much more accustomed to sitting in the transept or the choir stalls. When I was younger, but not much shorter – those of you who see me process Sunday mornings will notice that I am aspiring to the 5ft mark, thank you Brooks for the use … READ MORE…