Letter From Kate Gould: Unconditional Hospitality

Beloved Church, I want to talk to you about our children. We have a small bunch of kiddos I see in the pray-ground on Sunday mornings. They are bright, loving, and curious. One is very serious about church and loves to swing the thurible and pretend to pour wine into the chalice. Two of them … READ MORE…

Letter from Kathleen: Hospitality at the Cathedral

Kathleen Sheehan Burgess – Director of Administrative Operations The first time I really got a glimpse of Episcopalian hospitality was the day I started at St. Paul’s in 2015.  I was greeted by everyone, they had a plaque on my door with my name and title on it, and we had a lovely time doing … READ MORE…


I was challenged in a way that I did not expect by the discussion on Sunday on the definition of marriage.   Like many who attended I have opinions on the content and neutrality of the discussion but my thoughts are drifting towards hospitality and listening.  In the intensity and emotion of the evening I almost … READ MORE…