Showers of Blessings

Open for Business It was a beautiful and Christ-filled morning at the Cathedral Saturday as Showers of Blessings arrived at our 6th Avenue courtyard and more than a dozen volunteers enthusiastically seized the opportunity to try to live out our baptismal vow to strive for justice and peace among all people and respect the dignity … READ MORE…

Update from the Outreach+Mission Team

Our new Showers of Blessings need YOUR help! Contact Lynne Fish Paula Peeling shares notes from the recent  Outreach+Mission Team meeting.   If you are interested in joining, meetings are 2nd Tuesday of every month, 4pm-5:30PM in the Guild Room   *Ellen Meier introduced the Stephen Ministry program which is starting at St. Paul’s. With … READ MORE…

Moral Dilemma, part 2

Recently, Robert shared with us a moral dilemma, and several people wrote thoughtful comments.  Here’s his follow-up on the situation he described.   As you probably figured out, I sent the moral dilemma essay out to quite a few of you (around 50, I think), as well as on the blog, and got back an … READ MORE…

Moral Dilemma

For the second or third night this season, a homeless woman has lodged herself inside the entry way to our condo building. It provides a fairly good shelter: doors to the walkway close but don’t lock, and the entry has plenty of room for someone to lie down in it. It’s almost a private room; … READ MORE…

It is up to each of us…

I wanted to share with you how St. Paul’s has helped meet an urgent need for sleeping bags at the Episcopal Church Center (ECC) in Ocean Beach, and also keep us thinking about a longer term plea that was brought to us by Sr. Karla Maria Moritz-Holland, a member of our community and a nun … READ MORE…

Advocate in Advent!

December 11, 2013 Sisters and Brothers, Our Saturday afternoon Balboa Park Outreach Walks with Chris Wells, Mary Doak, and Lynne and Bill Fish continue to invite us into compelling conversations with those who live outside.  Won’t you consider joining them for these hour-long walks (3:30-4:30) some Saturday soon?  Email me if you’re interested. Advocate and … READ MORE…