Letter From Susan: Education For Ministry

Are you looking to deepen your faith? Do you want to know more about the Bible, Christian Tradition, and Church History? Are you hoping to understand how your personal experiences and beliefs bring you closer to God and God’s people? If your answer is “yes,” EfM (Education for Ministry) may be for you. EfM is … READ MORE…

EFM: Education for Ministry

John Shelby Spong, the controversial, well traveled, and now retired, Episcopal Bishop from New Jersey, once claimed his early spiritual search was simply a means to seeking security for his anxious and insecure soul. He would discover he was only partially correct, as he later wrote in his autobiography, “…I discovered not security, but the … READ MORE…

Education for Ministry: Fertile ground to grow your faith

“Will you continue in the apostles’ teaching and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in the prayers” (Baptismal Covenant, BCP 304). Every baptized Christian is called to ministry. What is yours? Education for Ministry (EfM) is a program of the School of Theology at the University of the South (Sewanee) that provides the foundational … READ MORE…

St Peter’s Academy

Diocesan Education for Ministry Coordinator Cecil Keener recommends this upcoming event. A new initiative at St. Peter’s – The St. Peter’s Academy. This would be ideal as the next stage up in Biblical Studies and Philosophical Theology/Apologetics, for EfM graduates! St. Peter’s Academy – Evening Classes for Inquiring Minds this FallSt. Peter’s Episcopal Church, Del … READ MORE…


Powerful words! Webster’s tells us” Education” is an action or process of educating or of being educated. Ministry, according to Webster’s second description is “Instrumentality” a quality or state of being instrumental. Hello my name is Cecil Keener I am the Education for Ministry Coordinator for the Episcopal Diocese of San Diego. I am also … READ MORE…