Dean Letter: Stephen Ministry

Hello St. Paul’s, When I came to St. Paul’s almost exactly seven years ago, I saw an opportunity to develop the pastoral care ministry, to make the most of the pastoral gifts of our parishioners. I turned to Stephen Ministry, a program I had experienced in my previous churches. Stephen Ministry is an interdenominational, international, … READ MORE…

Dean Letter: Regathering Update

Hello St. Pauls, It’s almost a year since the pandemic became the dominant force in our lives and we were forced to close the doors of the Cathedral. In these twelve months we have discovered new depths of adaptability and resilience. We have created new ways to be a community and to support one another. … READ MORE…

Dean Letter: Society of St. Paul

This is a transcript of a conversation between the Dean and the Rev. Canon Andrew Rank. Penny:             Hello, St. Paul’s. Did you know that the cathedral has a resident religious order? The Society of St. Paul has been associated with St. Paul’s Cathedral for a number of years, and our Chapel of the Holy Family … READ MORE…

Dean Letter: Vida Joven Update

Transcript of conversation between the Dean and Beth Beall, ED of Vida Joven. Passages in Spanish have been omitted. Penny:        Hello St. Paul’s. This week, it’s my pleasure to have a chat with Beth Beall who’s the executive director of Vida Joven. And because we haven’t talked about Vida Joven in some time at the … READ MORE…

Dean Letter: A Pandemic Success Story

This is a transcript of the conversation between the Dean and Maya Little-Saña. Some sentences were not captured by the transcription software. Penny: Hello, St. Paul’s. This week I want to share with you about one of our ministries that has been quietly flourishing and growing throughout the pandemic. I’ve asked our wonderful children, youth … READ MORE…

Dean Letter: Interview with Cheryl Wilson

Hello St. Paul’s. One of St. Paul’s greatest success stories is the founding over 60 years ago of St. Paul’s Episcopal Home. For over half of its history, St. Paul’s Senior Services, as it’s now known, has been led by my friend and colleague Cheryl Wilson. Last week Cheryl and I sat down to talk … READ MORE…

Dean Letter: Thank You

Hello St. Paul’s, We are finally at the end of this year that has been so hard in so many ways. Like many of you, I am rather desperately hoping that 2021 will be a MUCH better year for us, our community, our nation, and the world. We have suffered some serious losses, but St. … READ MORE…

Dean Letter: A Different Christmas

Hello St. Paul’s, It’s Christmas Eve. What are you usually doing on Christmas Eve? Traveling, baking, welcoming house guests, keeping the kids from going nuts, rehearsing, maybe some last-minute shopping? How different is it this year? There’s lots of sadness and loss: some of us are missing loved ones, some of us are ill with … READ MORE…

Dean Letter: Chancel Update

Hello St. Paul’s, It’s time for me to update you on the work of the chancel and nave renovation task force, which consists of a number of staff, liturgical leaders, and Chapter members. We’ve been working together since August to come up with a design that will make the cathedral space as accessible and flexible … READ MORE…

Dean Letter: Celebrating Kendall

The Very Rev. Penny Bridges interviews Kendall Squires, our former Chancellor, who held this position approximately 30 years, but has since retired to North Carolina.  Kendall also served as a founding manager of Nutmeg and Olive LLC, which handled the sale of our north parcel of land. Kendall speaks with Penny on his history at the Cathedral and … READ MORE…