Tropical Storm Hilary was a warning call to San Diegans and millions of others. Thankfully St. Paul’s community did not experience the devastating rain and wind that was predicted. But some did. Life was lost. Land and property were destroyed. And we can’t know what’s to come.
Some say we shouldn’t dwell on the harm that is being and will be caused by climate change. And some say that we need to know the facts and address our subsequent grief over the damage being done to God’s creation before we can take responsible action and advocate for the change necessary to mitigate the worst impacts of the climate emergency. That’s what we try to do in Simpler Living: share the facts, prayerfully address our concerns, and take individual and community action.
A thirteen year-old ministry of St. Paul’s, Simpler Living was organized by congregants who wanted to understand how our faith informs our choices in a rapidly changing global environment.
Fast forward over the years of Simpler Living events and actions at St. Paul’s to this September’s Season of Creation which addresses “the urgency” of climate change as “justice calls us to repentance and a change of attitude and actions.” seasonofcreation.org For example, one of our events, the Sunday, 9/24 Faith Forum at 9 am, A Faithful Call to Defund Fossil Fuelishness, will address the full cost of fossil fuel investment and how we can take individual actions as well as advocate for corporate change.
St. Paul’s is one of several churches growing throughout the Creation Care Community that will be holding events focused on the care of God’s Creation from September 1 through October 4, beginning with Simpler Living’s brief introduction at our September 3 services (along with Coffee Hour hospitality) and ending at St. Paul’s on the October 8 Feast of St. Francis with the annual Blessing of the Animals.
Join us in our Season of Creation offerings, both at the Cathedral and throughout the diocese. Look for more information on the bulletin boards and in the weekly e-news.
Throughout the September Season of Creation, stop by our Simpler Living table in the Queen’s Courtyard to sign the petition for Transportation Equity in San Diego County; learn more about ways you can take action to reduce Fossil Fuel-ishness; and remember that when we confront this climate emergency we are stronger in community!
Of all of the Cathedral’s worthy ministries, why do we spend our volunteer hours in Simpler Living? Our children and grandchildren deserve no less than a healthy planet. And we believe that our faith calls us to no less.
Diane Lopez Hughes, Chair
St. Paul’s Simpler Living Creation Care Community