Sacred Ground in Action and the Episcopal Public Policy Network:
You shall neither mistreat a stranger nor oppress him, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt. Exodus 22:21
God our Creator: We ask for your loving presence and for your peace to be with refugees in our local communities and around the world. Be with all who are in fear. Be with those whose lives and livelihoods are under threat, and whose religious freedoms are being compromised. Be with us as we strive to enact your will in our welcome and support of refugees. Be with those in positions of leadership, that their decision may bend toward peace and not division, and that they might realize the power they hold to do justice. Give us all strength and courage. Equip and empower us to be witnesses to your love – as advocates and as servants, as ministers of welcome and bearers of hope especially for those seeking refuge. In your Holy name we pray. Amen.Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts