Social Media Sunday: Are you ready?

Are you ready for Social Media Sunday?  Share your faith in the online world!

This Sunday, EPiscopalians are invited to

Facebook a selfie, live-tweet a prayer, blog an idea, video the hymn-singing, Instagram photos, Pinterest fun images, Foursquare a location — and use #Episcopal — so “Social Media Sunday” goes viral.

So, how will you participate?  Suggestions:  Bring your smart phone or tablet. Tweet a take-home message from the sermon.  Take a photo during the service.  Check in on Facebook.  Don’t worry if you aren’t carrying a mobile device — you can also post a status update on your computer, when you get home.

Whatever your platform of choice,  use the tags #Episcopal, #SanDiego and #StPaulCathedral and show the world what we are about!

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