Gleaning wisdom from our Canadian friends, here is an excellent prescription for dealing with the recent CODE RED declaration from the IPCC. You’ll be hearing more from us as we join faith communities around the world in recognizing a September SEASON OF CREATION. More on that next week. Meanwhile…
From the David Suzuki Foundation (https://davidsuzuki.org/): A reminder: when you are directed to this website expect to see reference to Canadian resources. However, much of what is suggested is relevant to Californians as well!
On Monday, the world’s leading authority on climate change, the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, told the world the climate is dangerously close to a tipping point that would lead to climate chaos and that human activities – primarily burning fossil fuels and deforestation – are to blame.
So, how should we as individuals respond to this “code red for humanity?”
Here are some ideas:
Feel the grief and fear — Allowing yourself to feel, grieve and contemplate everything we’re going through is important.
Remember our actions matter — Realizing our actions at home and collectively can really make a difference, can feel empowering and inspire others to join.
Talk to friends and family, find support and be supportive — Have (sometimes difficult) climate conversations. Talk about your vision for a just and sustainable future. You are not alone. Support one another. Find and cultivate a support network.
Find hope and inspiration — It abounds if you look for it. There so many inspiring stories of people who are leading the transition to renewable energy in their communities and reasons to be hopeful. Hope is a key ingredient these days.
Demand bold and ambitious climate action — We need to get Canada to act on climate change with the ambition and urgency this crisis demands. Action is an important antidote to despair. Sign this action — you’ll see.Prepare for a paradigm shift — Extreme capitalism, colonialism and a lack of respect for nature got us into this mess. We’re going to need insights and solutions from Indigenous Peoples, diverse human creativity and a refocus on equity and well-being to get us out of it.
The last idea – Demand bold and ambitious climate action – can be actualized here in the US through 350.org (https://350.org/) and locally through SanDiego350. And in October Simpler Living will be joining with faith communities here in San Diego – along with the Interfaith Coalition on Earth Justice – and around the world through Faiths 4 Climate Justice, the October 17/18 global effort of GreenFaith to energize us all in preparation for the COP26 proceedings, which some say is our last great hope to impact the climate emergency. For more information, go to https://greenfaith.org/faiths4climatejustice/