Simpler Living: Doing a Double Take

What sounds like a good thing can be deceptive.  Witness the Wildlife Habitat Conservation Act which purports to safeguard our country’s wildlife and habitats. 
By reading the fine print, though, you’ll find a proposal that cuts important coastal conservation funding and removes resources for Indigenous communities. “For many tribal nations, the land is sacred and their traditions are interwoven with its preservation. Stripping away funds undermines their ability to protect ancestral homelands and perpetuates a cycle of cultural and environmental injustice. Such actions negate our shared duty to heal wounds of environmental injustice, past and present. As Christians, we’re called not just to inhabit the Earth but heal it – embodying Christ’s restorative work.” To add your voice in opposition to this harmful bill, go to A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing: Dissecting the Wildlife Habitat Conservation

God of love, we praise you for the magnificence of creation…. As we reflect on the creation, help us to take in its true significance. This is your work in which you have invested deeply of yourself. It is the costly outpouring of your creativity. So, we ask you to instill in us a proper reverence for all that you have made – a genuine respect for all environments and all creatures. 

Amen. – Reverend Prebendary Mark Geldard (adapted)

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