St. Paul’s Simpler Living Creation Care Ministry:
How fitting it is that Earth Day comes around our faith-filled time of renewal. St Paul’s will celebrate Creation Care Sunday in our worship with Fr Brian Petersen and in the Adult forum with artist Jan Phillips. And beyond the day we recognize as Earth Day, there are more opportunities ahead to worship, learn, and take action to follow God’s call to care for Creation.
There will be a virtual Ecumenical Earth Day prayer service on Friday, April 19 from 9 – 10 am. Click Here to register.
You can learn more about human impact on our California coastal community and solutions to mitigating environmental impact by reading California Against the Sea by Los Angeles Times reporter Rosanna Xia.
The Episcopal Church Office of Government Relations reminds us that advocacy for the environment needs to include environmental stewardship that impacts racial justice and global conflict, to name a few concerns. They invite us to call on our politicians to include environmental stewardship in all their legislative efforts (Click Here).
This day forward, whatever more we will decide to do for God’s Creation increases positive change and life-giving hope. Make Earth Day every day!