From St. Paul’s Simpler Living Creation Care Ministry:
Maybe you were one of the many who signed the Power San Diego petition – either after Sunday Coffee Hour at the Simpler Living advocacy table or somewhere else in San Diego – to have the ballot initiative including in our next election. On Tuesday May 14, the Power San Diego Campaign turned in over 30,000 signatures to the city.
Here’s what happened, and what’s to come:
- Over 30,000 signatures were gathered throughout the city
- Over 500 volunteers worked on the campaign
- Awareness was raised about the injustice of our current system of energy delivery, including the negative impact on and disincentive for rooftop solar and the impact of a private corporation that focuses on profit over people
While the ballot goal wasn’t achieved, it is still possible that these signatures (over 3% of registered voters) will result in a full hearing of the city council!
For more information click here.
Our faith calls us to care for God’s good creation. As we pray for a healthier environment we need to take an active role in advocating for systems that support our hope.