Parenting as Partnership: the Presentation of Jesus

Last Sunday in the Godly Play room we explored the Presentation of Jesus. This is when Mary and Joseph took the baby Jesus into the temple to celebrate his name and dedicate him to God. This was a custom for Jewish families dating back to Moses. It was one of the guidelines handed down to Moses by God so far back in history and now Jesus was following in that tradition.

It is a lovely ritual, similar to our baptism ritual, in that it reminds us that this new child belongs to God and that we have been entrusted to care for, love and protect this wonderful creation. In the midst of the crazy parenting years, long after the baby days are over, it is really good to take this time after Christmas to remember that we have been trusted with a very important job. God is calling on us to help this little part of his creation to grow and flourish in the best way that it can.

What an amazing partnership to have with God. Listen to his guidance and be open to the unfolding that comes with parenthood.

Christine D’Amico

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