The Simpler Living committee has curated a collection of O Antiphons taken from St Mark’s Episcopal Cathedral, Seattle’s 2019 advent for our season. Each Thursday we will include our own meditation/reflections related to creation care. You can follow along each Thursday.
O WISDOM, you came forth from the mouth of the Most High, and reach from one end of the earth to the other, mightily and sweetly ordering all things: Come, and teach us the way of prudence.
Meditatiov: As the Spirit guides us in seeking the wonder of God’s works we are called to share the wonder of creation: all that is, and that we are. How can we share our experience of love for all sentient beings and all of Earth’s resources from which we benefit, all that God has put in our hands and hearts to bring the kin-dom of heaven on Earth? For we are kin, with all our neighbors and all of God’s creation.
Active reflection: Science can be considered a form of wisdom that allows us to understand our connectedness with all creation. What will you do to share your gifts of knowledge with others: knowledge of scientific information that enhances our advocacy for climate change solutions?