O KING OF NATIONS, and their desire, you are the cornerstone that binds two into one: Come and save the creature whom you have fashioned from clay.
Meditation: Loving God, save us from our insularity and fear of the unknown. We are as strong as our faith in your saving power, and our commitment to be in right relationship with your creation.
Active reflection: Let us seek to do God’s will, working in community to learn what we need to move forward in caring for creation: through prayer, ongoing education and dialogue, and a commitment to take action together.
O EMMANUEL, our King and Lawgiver, the desire of the nations and their Salvation: Come and save us, O Lord our God.
Meditation: Jesus our brother, in you may we find our example to change our behavior from the expectation of bottomless resources to humble thanks for the beauty of Earth and a respect for all creation.
Active reflection: As our own gift to creation, and as we go forth into the new year, how can we do more with less, lighten our carbon footprint, perhaps by joining with others at the Cathedral who are making use of the Episcopal Church’s Carbon Tracker (https://www.sustainislandhome.org/)
The Simpler Living committee has curated a collection of O Antiphons taken from St Mark’s Episcopal Cathedral, Seattle’s 2019 advent for our season. Each Thursday we will include our own meditation/reflections related to creation care. You can follow along each Thursday.