O ADONAI, Ruler of the house of Israel, you appeared to Moses in the fire of the burning bush; on Mount Sinai you gave him your law: with outstretched arm, come and redeem us.
Meditation: God asks us to love God with all our heart, mind, and spirit and put no other gods first. But “we, like sheep, have gone astray”. Putting pleasure and greed in place of God we are ravaging God’s good gift of creation.
Active reflection: Think about a new way you can put God first, helping redeem God’s planet and people.
O ROOT OF JESSE, you stand as an ensign to the peoples; before you kings shall keep silence, all nations bow in worship: Come and save us, and do not delay
Meditation: We stand in awe of your world, O Creator. “All creatures of our God most high, let praise resound in earth and sky: Alleluia, alleluia!” (God’s Good Earth, p. 13.)
Active reflection: Sit in silence where you can see or be outdoors. Take in the Fall colors or the tree limbs taking on the bare look of winter. If you can, breathe in the scent of fallen leaves or pine or sage. Touch the textures of dirt , of grass, or fern or fir. Perhaps plant or tend something that will grow in the approaching winter season.
The Simpler Living committee has curated a collection of O Antiphons taken from St Mark’s Episcopal Cathedral, Seattle’s 2019 advent for our season. Each Thursday we will include our own meditation/reflections related to creation care. You can follow along each Thursday.