New Artwork at St. Paul’s

The Cathedral has acquired two exquisite artworks by parishioner Virginia Howlett. They are on display in the office suite on the second floor of 525 Olive. We are thrilled to be able to showcase Virginia’s work alongside the paintings by Phil Petrie that were already in place. Stop by the office some time to admire the paintings! Here’s some information about Virginia and her art.

Virginia Howlett creates artwork inspired by the contemplative experience of nature. She uses various media to preserve the moments of transcendent joy and peace that we all feel when we pause, take a breath, and immerse ourselves in the natural world. She is drawn to subtle change: to the ineffable movement of light and clouds in the sky, and the flickering reflections on the surface of water. In her oils on canvas, she uses an impressionist style with energetic brushwork to convey the flowing movement of water, light dancing on the surface.

Working Through a Dark Place is a peaceful, calm painting in deep blues and greens, created over several months as the artist processed her grief at the loss of her beloved father. It comes from a place of gentle acceptance. It’s a calm, quiet meditation on surface and depths, the day’s movement slowing to stillness.

Gladness of Heart is a lively, happy painting where the brilliant colors and contrasts of sunset are energizing and captivating. It conveys that golden moment when the world is ablaze — the warm glow and low angle of light brightening the surface of the water before the sun goes down. It’s an exuberant painting celebrating the glory of creation.

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