More on the Season of Creation

From Simpler Living Creation Care Ministry:

Here are two Cathedral Season of Creation offerings that you might want to include on your calendar:

Hike in Balboa Park on September 15! Longtime Simpler Living member and past convener Phil Petrie will lead us on an urban walk in Balboa Park, which will take about an hour and a half. Stop for some Coffee Hour snacks before meeting with Phil in the Queen’s Courtyard at noon. Bring your water bottle, sun hat, sunscreen, and a spirit of adventure! For more information,

Book Swap Table! On September 22 Carolyn Lief invites you to swap an old book for a “new” one.  After we celebrate the Season of Creation with special services, stop by the Book Swap table from 8:45 to noon where we can re-gift/recycle books while decluttering our bookshelves! 

Books can be dropped the yellow bin in the Queen’s Courtyard or hallway from now until September 22. For more information,

There is no plant in the ground but tells of your beauty, O Christ.

There is no creature on the Earth, there is no life in the sea but proclaims your goodness.

There is no bird on the wind, there is no star in the sky, there is nothing beneath the sun but is full of your blessing.

Lighten my understanding of your presence all around, O Christ.

Kindle my will to be caring for Creation. Amen

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