Loving Our Neighbor Calls Us To Action

From St. Paul’s Sacred Ground in Action Ministry

Recently a number of Interfaith ministers met for a San Diego Organizing Project (SDOP) press conference in remembrance of George Floyd, murdered at the hands of public servants who were sworn to serve the public. Many faith-filled words were spoken.  More importantly, allies were called to take a stand in supporting community policing solutions in our city. 

Here is one way that we can advocate for our neighbors: The Coalition for Police Accountability and Transparency encourages us to PrOTECT our neighbors.  This campaign seeks to address invasive policing practices used disproportionately to stop, search and interrogate people from Black, Latino, and Asian/Pacific Islander communities, the LGBTQ community, people with disabilities, and people from other marginalized communities. PrOTECT will require San Diego police to have probable cause in order to stop, ask for identification, question, and/or search an individual. The ordinance will also limit stops for equipment violations. Learn more about PrOTECT (Click Here).

Gracious God, you love all of your people. As you call us to love our neighbors give us the courage to face our institutions with righteous anger and concern AND solutions for change.  We ask this in the name of your son Jesus the prisoner, and the Holy Spirit who breathes life into EVERY person. Amen.

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