From our Simpler Living Creation Care ministry:
I have heard their cry. I know their sufferings. Come, now! I will send you. I will be with you. Exodus 3: 1-12
As we prepare for the Season of Creation across the world, we share these thoughts elsewhere expressed in our Anglican Communion. The Cathedral is one of the hundreds of faith communities celebrating God’s Creation during the month of September (9/8 – 10/2). Please see our calendar in progress (Click Here).
The burning bush is the symbol for the Season of Creation 2022. Today, Creation cries out as forests crackle, animals flee, and people are forced to migrate due to the fires of injustice. In contrast, the fire that called to Moses as he tended the flock on Mt. Horeb did not consume or destroy the bush. This flame of the Spirit revealed God’s presence. This holy fire affirmed that God heard the cries of all who suffered, and promised to be with us as we followed in faith to our deliverance from injustice.
A Word from the General Convention in 2022
From “Our Mission > Creation Care” diomass.org/creation-care
The 80th General Convention of the Episcopal Church recognized climate change as “an all-encompassing social crisis and moral emergency that impacts and interconnects every aspect of pastoral concern including health, poverty, employment, racism, social justice, and family life and that can only be addressed by a Great Work involving every sector of society, including the Church.”
For more information, dianelopezhughes@gmail.com