Letter from Kathleen: Keeping Us Safe, Security Update for St. Paul’s Congregation

I hope this message finds you all well and enjoying the summer season. I wanted to provide you with an update on the security measures here at St. Paul’s, as your safety and well-being are always our utmost priority.

Grant Application Update: I’m excited to share with you that we have submitted a grant application for the Nonprofit Security Grant Program offered by the Department of Homeland Security for improving the security resources for houses of worship and other nonprofit organizations. This grant, if approved, will provide $150,000 to help us enhance our current security and surveillance systems. We recognize the importance of closing any gaps in our security infrastructure to ensure a safe environment for all members of our congregation. We won’t know the outcome of the grant decision until around late Fall, but will keep you informed. The security cameras we installed some years ago were made possible by a DHS grant, and we are hopeful that this second grant will be forthcoming.

Partnership with ASAP Security: We are fortunate to have a dedicated partner in our security efforts—ASAP Security. They play a crucial role by providing daily and overnight foot patrols on our premises. Additionally, we engage their services for special events, such as the upcoming “Light Up the Cathedral for Pride” event on July 17th. Their presence helps us ensure safety and smooth operations, as well as a visual presence on campus of our commitment to security.

Upcoming Opportunities: Looking ahead, we are planning security training sessions and disaster preparedness drills for this fall. These opportunities will empower our staff and volunteers with the skills and knowledge needed to respond effectively in various situations, further strengthening our overall security strategy.  Jen Jow, Facilities Manager, and are working on the plans currently and will announce training opportunities, soon.

Simple Yet Effective Measures: Remember, sometimes the simplest measures are the most effective. Keeping doors locked when not in use is one of the “best practices” we can all adopt to enhance our security collectively.  Also, if you see something, say something.  Reach out to an Usher, staff member or clergy, or even fellow congregant if something seems amiss. 

Your awareness and cooperation are invaluable in maintaining a secure environment at St. Paul’s. If you have any questions, suggestions, or concerns regarding our security initiatives, please do not hesitate to reach out to Jen or I.

Thank you for your continued support and commitment to keeping our congregation safe. Together, we can ensure that St. Paul’s remains a welcoming, inclusive, and secure place for worship, fellowship, and community.

Warm regards,

Kathleen Sheehan Burgess

Director of Administrative Operations

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