Letter from Diane: Simpler Living Ministry

Once again St. Paul’s Cathedral – as a member of the Anglican Communion – will celebrate the global September Season of Creation. We will be one of the many ecumenical communities across the world that honoring this year’s theme “To hope and to act with creation” through prayer, education, and action for God’s good creation. Along with creation-themed services and other events we will share information about and offer action opportunities on the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty.  This complement to the 2016 Paris Agreement on Climate Change is an initiative that strives for an international agreement to phase out fossil fuels while ensuring a just global transition for workers, communities, and countries as resources are freed up for more research and development of renewable energy and remediation for communities already harmed by the effects of climate change. 

So through St Paul’s ongoing monthly recognition of ministries, it is fitting that our Simpler Living Creation Care ministry has been invited to communicate about our work and offer activities throughout the month of September.  And of course, what better way than to start with homemade and locally sourced goodies at this Sunday’s Coffee Hour! The following week at St Paul’s Homecoming and Ministry Fair we will explain our work and invite visitors to consider participating in our small but active ministry. On Sunday, September 15, longtime member Phil Petrie will lead Cathedral members and friends in a Balboa Park hike after Coffee Hour.  And on September 22 we’ll enjoy Creation-themed services at the 8 and 10:30 services, as well as practice what we preach after each service at our Book Swap table headed by Carolyn Lief: bring a used book/take a book for reading (reusing) and recycling!  We will also invite folks to sign on to the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty and gather interest for a possible virtual series on Creation Care during Lent and Earth Month that was developed by The Episcopal Church. 

For those new to the Cathedral who don’t know much about Simpler Living, we have been an active ministry at St Paul’s for about sixteen years with a small and active membership. At this time we are stepping back somewhat from our regular schedule of activities as we pray for new leadership to emerge from our conscientious Cathedral membership.  This is a critical time for God’s Creation, and as people of faith we must find ways to amplify our voices for real progress in addressing the causes of climate change, reviewing our lifestyles in light of our baptism vows to follow Jesus in love and care for the most vulnerable among us who are often the most grievously impacted by extreme weather, and actively supporting positive and genuinely sustainable solutions in this climate crisis.

Simpler Living members continue to volunteer at reduced capacity, and we welcome those who may be interested in or curious about Creation Care at St Paul’s to stop by our Coffee Hour table this Sunday; our Ministry Fair table on 9/8; take a walk with us on 9/15; and come by the Book Swap table on 9/22. For more information, go to our web page: stpaulcathedral.org/simpler-living/ or contact Paul Teyssier, our temporary point of contact:  paul@teyssier.com

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