Letter from Claudia: Showers Of Blessings

Showers Of Blessings at St. Paul’s
2015 – 2024

Nine years ago, a handful of parishioners decided it was high time for St. Paul’s to reach out to the growing homeless population of men and women living in Balboa Park.  The diocese had a mobile Shower Unit and we had two parking lots, a water supply, a sewer access and electricity near one of them.  The First United Methodist church in Mission Valley asked if they could serve breakfast for us.  Inspired by what was happening, more parishioners volunteered, donated clothes and towels, and gave us money to buy hygiene and other supplies.   Many of those first volunteers and those who came shortly after are still with us.

On our first Saturday 10 homeless men showed up.  Soon the number expanded to 70 and then over 100.  First, they came for the showers then the breakfasts and then haircuts and clothes.  But they came for more than that.  It was a place for meeting and sharing information in a sacred and safe space.  As we got to know each other, we became a family and looked forward to getting together every month.

Despite our ups and downs, a Covid shut down and the loss of our parking lot due to construction of the high rise next door, we are still here, still serving our neighbors, still enjoying our family.

I invite you to come join us.  You will be glad you did.

Claudia Dixon,
Ministry Leader

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3 thoughts on “Letter from Claudia: Showers Of Blessings”

  1. What a beautiful Ministry you have! You have done so well, so attentive to the needs of the Homeless. You are an example of using ALL 7 gifts of the Holy Spirit! May God continue to bless your Ministry.

  2. Thank you for this helpful reminder of a ministry at St. Paul’s. I wonder if a link or contact point could be added for those interested in being involved? Or a fund title to add to a check memo, or to look for, if donating through Realm or the like?


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