Lent & Holy Week

2025 Service Schedules 

Click Here for our collection of daily reflections for the Lent season.  The physical booklets will be available in the porches on Sunday.

Lenten Formation Classes/Studies:

Embracing Evangelism

Starting February 18 (Sundays at Noon, in person in the Guild Room) 4 weeks

Sponsored by the Evangelism committee and led by Phyllis Lengyel.

Learn Episcopal Evangelism rooted in joy, gratitude, and holy curiosity; where seeking and speaking of Jesus’ loving presence in our own lives makes inviting other people to celebrate God’s life and love for them a natural consequence. Contact Licensed Lay Evangelist Phyllis Lengyel for questions: plengyel@swbell.net.

Lunch will be provided. 

Sign up for this class (Click Here).

Book Study: So We and Our Children May Live

Starting February 19 (Monday nights 7 – 8:30 pm, Virtually on Zoom)

Led by the Creation Care book study team.

Join virtually with our friends across the diocese as we read and discuss So We and Our Children May Live by Sarah Augustine and Sheri Hostetler. “Climate change is just a symptom of a larger ecological crisis. If we want change, we must realize that the solutions to the problems we face can’t come through the same systems that created those problems in the first place. This book offers hope for a better future alongside concrete actions for joining with Indigenous Peoples to protect life and negotiate with decision-makers for sustainable change that follows Jesus. In these pages, readers are called to confront climate change and choose life for our children and the future of our planet.”

Sign up for this class (Click Here).

Formation Class

(Mardi Gras / Fat Tuesday)

Make Me an Instrument: A Guide to Civil Discourse  

Starting March 9 (Sundays, 9 am, in person in the Guild Room) 5 weeks

The mission of the church is to reconcile all people to God and to each other. In a divided and polarized world, how might we carry out that mission? The Episcopal Church’s Office of Government Relations has developed this five week class on Civil Discourse to help us grow in our ability to listen across divisions and to be instruments of reconciliation. All are welcome to participate in this class which will be led by clergy and members of the Peace and Justice committee. 

“The Serviceberry: Abundance and Reciprocity in the Natural World” by Robin Wall Kimmerer 

Starting March 10 (Mondays 6:30 pm, Online via Zoom) 4 weeks

In the Gospels Jesus promises us life abundant, meant for all. What can we learn about abundance from our observation of God’s creation? Robin Wall Kimmerer, author of “Braiding Sweetgrass”, offers a bold and inspiring vision for how to orient our lives around gratitude, reciprocity, and community, based on the lessons of the natural world. Join Diane Lopez Hughes and other members of the Diocese in this four part study.

To sign up contact Diane at dianelopezhughes@me.com.

“What is an Episcopalian?” 

Starting March 12 (Wednesdays 3 – 4:30 pm, in person on the 2nd floor of 525 Olive Street Building) 5 weeks

Led by Cathedral clergy.

You’re invited to join our Lent adult inquirers’ class, where you can learn about the Episcopal Church and discern whether to be baptized, confirmed, or received by the Bishop at the Easter Vigil on April 19. The class is taught by Cathedral clergy and will take place Wednesday afternoons on the second floor of our office building. 

Sign up for this class (Click Here).

Lenten Forum Series: Walking the 7 Stone Path—A Lenten Practice

From February 18 to March 24, 9 am in the Guild Room

Join author and philosophy professor Peter Bolland for a five-week study of his new book The Seven Stone Path: An Everyday Journey to Wisdom. Using questions and prompts from The Seven Stone Path Workbook, we’ll explore the insights from the world’s wisdom traditions and root them deeply into our own spiritual practice during this sacred Lenten season. Workbooks are free, but get your copy of The Seven Stone Path: An Everyday Journey to Wisdom online wherever you buy books, or buy it directly from the author at these sessions (cash, check, or Venmo). View entire schedule (Click Here).


(Mardi Gras / Fat Tuesday)

Tuesday, March 4

5:45 pm – Zydeco Mass
Usher in the season of Lent with one of the liveliest services of the year! Zydeco, is the Cathedral’s annual Mardi Gras or Fat Tuesday celebration, complete with bead throwing, dancing in the aisles and live Zydeco music. We will once again be joined by our favorite Zydeco band The Zydeco Patrol. In the Cathedral or worship online | (View Service Bulletin)

7 pm – Zydeco Reception
Join us in the Great Hall for a traditional pancake dinner, free of charge.

Ash Wednesday

Wednesday, March 5

7 am – Imposition of ashes in the Chapel of the Holy Family

8 am – 12 pm – Ashes-to-Go throughout San Diego

12 pm – Imposition of ashes in the Cathedral (View Service Bulletin

5 pm – Ash Wednesday Family Service (In the Great Hall)

7 pm – Imposition of ashes and eucharist in the Cathedral or worship online | (View Service Bulletin)

Stations of the Cross

Fridays, March 7 – April 11

6 pm – Each Friday during Lent join us in the Cathedral for Stations of the Cross. Stations of the Cross is a contemplative spiritual practice in which participants walk around the Cathedral stopping at 14 sculptures which depict Jesus’ last days on earth. 

Or take a “virtual tour” of the stations in this video (Click Here to view on YouTube).

Encounters with Silence

Saturday, April 5

9:30 am – 3:30 pm

Lead by The Rev. Robert Bryant.

Want an opportunity to unplug and spend some quality time with God? Treat yourself to a day of prayer and reflection in preparation for Holy Week. Spend time praying together, reflecting together, and engaging silence together. Three spoken meditations will set the framework for the day. Each of us will have time between the meditations to pray, read, walk the labyrinth, stroll in Balboa Park, journal, or do whatever settles you down into God’s presence. Please bring a bag lunch; beverages will be provided.

Please sign up for this free event (Click Here).


Palm Sunday, April 13

8 am – Liturgy of the Palms, Passion, and Eucharist in the Cathedral.

9:45 am – Procession, Liturgy of the Palms, Passion, and Eucharist in the Cathedral or worship online. | (View Service Bulletin)

5 pm – Choral meditation on the Passion in the Cathedral or worship online. | (View Service Bulletin)

Holy Wednesday, April 16

7 pm – Choral Tenebrae in the Cathedral or worship online. | (View Service Bulletin

Maundy Thursday,  April 17

7 pm – Liturgy of the Day and Eucharist in the Cathedral or worship online. | (Service Bulletin)

8 pm – Soup Supper

8:30 pm – Vigil in the Chapel of the Holy Family

Good Friday, April 18

12 pm – Choral Music and Meditations on the Passion in the Cathedral or worship online. | (View Service Bulletin)

7 pm – Good Friday liturgy in the Cathedral or worship online. (View Service Bulletin)

Holy Saturday, April 19

9 am – Holy Saturday liturgy in the Chapel of the Holy Family. (View Service Bulletin)

7:30 pm – Great Vigil of Easter, Dean Penny will preach and Bishop Susan will preside. In the Cathedral or worship online. | (View Service Bulletin)

Sunday of the Resurrection

Easter Day

Sunday, April 20

8 am – Holy Eucharist with hymns. (View Service Bulletin)

10:30 am – Festival Eucharist with the Bishop preaching and presiding. Worship online. | (View Service Bulletin)


Because of you, we can continue to serve as a center of transformative love, faith and service!

Have questions or need to make changes?
Feel free to contact us, and we will be more than happy to answer all of your questions.