From Simpler Living Creation Care Ministry:
A new year, another opportunity to increase our actions for God’s good creation! Once again, Creation Justice Ministry offers us a jump start. Here are some examples, one for each week of CJM’s January “resolutions”:
- Making a “green resolution?” Research your bank/credit card/investment companies/insurance. Could you choose one that better aligns with your values? Read More
- Consider the relationship between social justice and creation justice by attending an event in celebration of Dr. King’s birthday. More Details
- Reflect on scripture that references creation. Consider Psalms for Praying by Nan Merrill
- Winter makes an excellent Sabbath time, even in Southern California. Consider a meditative walk along the coast or join a Chaparral Chapel walk with Fr. Brian Petersen. Email subject line “Next Chaparral Chapel” to stbrigidsoside@gmail.com.