Get Out Your Calendar!

From St. Paul’s Simpler Living Creation Care Ministry:

Hear a 2024 climate policy analysis and update on Interfaith Power and LIght’s policy priorities going into the new year, as well as their 2024 Faith Votes  campaign.  Register for the “What’s on Deck for Climate Policy in 2024” briefing on Thursday, January 23 1 – 2 pm PT. More details at

And remember to stop by the Simpler Living advocacy table after Sunday service to support Power SD’s ballot initiative.  It’s time for a change in the business of power in San Diego! “San Diegans are facing exploitation by a relentless for-profit utility company drive by profit motives.  Change is essential as our current situation is unsustainable.” More information at

The next Chaparral Chapter will be held on Sunday, January 28, beginning with a lovely Creation-centered outdoor liturgy at 2:30 pm in San Dieguito County Park, 1757 Highland Drive, Del Mar.  For more information contact Fr. Brian Petersen, (

Creator God, your good Earth fills us with wonder.  Grant us the wisdom and courage to honor your handiwork as we build community through faith, solidarity, love, and hope. Amen.

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