From St. Paul’s Sacred Ground in Action Ministry: An Invitation from RefugeeNet: Moving From Faith into Action

RefugeeNet is preparing to resettle between four to seven families before January 2025.  Otherwise these families would continue to live in their refugee camps, where they have already been waiting for years.
From Rev. Colin Mathewson: 
“RefugeeNet is inviting the people of your church to “adopt” one of these new families, so to speak, by making possible the furnishing of their first home, providing for the family’s first American clothing, and helping student-age kids to purchase the school supplies they will need to succeed….It would be a particular blessing if some of your church members were willing and available to help the new family members get to appointments or go on errands like grocery shopping.  Those of us who have had the privilege of getting to know a newly arrived family can tell you that our lives have been unquestionably richer because of the relationships formed with these families!”
Can we see this as a call to fulfill our baptismal vows? It’s clear that this effort takes many hands and hearts.  Before St Paul’s can commit to this good work by offering our time and talent, we need to make sure that there are enough interested people from our congregation.
Please reply to Enid Dixon by October 25.  
Lord, give us compassion for the plight of our refugee siblings; soften our hearts to their realities; and help us to follow you in seeking justice for them. We pray for an end to war, poverty, and human rights abuses that cause people to leave their homeland. Amen.

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