Everyone’s Right to a Slice

Sacred Ground In Action (SGIA) & The Episcopal Church Office of Gov. Relations:

The right to vote is as American as apple pie. Yet throughout the country over the past several years, many efforts have been made to disenfranchise voters or set up roadblocks to voter registration. Unfortunately, most of those efforts have been successful. 

There is another effort in congress, the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act, which is doublespeak for what it purports to protect! It would make voters present citizenship documentation in person in order to register to vote. Only 53.1% of citizens have access to a passport, and as 84% of married women have changed their name, it no longer matches their birth certificates. Furthermore, election officials in all states are responsible for verifying identity prior to registering a person to vote.

The Episcopal Church General Convention calls us to oppose restrictions on voting rights. To advocate against this harmful bill, please consider contacting your Congressperson here through TEC’s website (Click Here).

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