Eucharistic Ministers deliver Sacrament to those in our community who cannot make it to services: people who are ill, unable to travel, or otherwise shut-in. This is a vital way to keep all members of the SPC community connected to our common table. The time commitment is minimal and the rewards are huge. Perhaps you might be called to this important ministry?
Joanna Airhart reflects on serving as a Eucharistic Minister
The Eucharistic Ministry is made up of just regular people who attend St. Paul’s Cathedral. The EM’s (short for Eucharistic Ministers) are not ordained, but feel a calling to carry Jesus to a parishioner who is unable to attend church services. At the end of a Sunday service, the EM accepts the consecrated Bread and Wine, the person to be visited is prayed for in front of the whole congregation, and the EM then brings a personal Communion service to the visitee’s home or hospital. I often think of a day that I took Communion to a blind and disabled woman. She is usually in intense pain, but this day she felt good. As I prepared for our short service, our parishioner lovingly made sure the woman in the bed next to her knew all were welcome to join us in the Eucharist.

The Rev Canon Dorothy Curry coordinates the ministry. She explains,
Needed: Eucharistic Ministers (also known nationally as Eucharistic Visitors)
What do EMs do? They take communion once a month to our shut-ins. Depending on the person being visited, they lead a short service with the leaflet provided, share any insight from the sermon and provide a hopeful presence to that person.
How? They receive the communion kit from the Deacon at the 10:30 or 8 a.m. service.
Scheduled? They receive a calendar from the Scheduler indicating which Sunday they are assigned. (They are responsible for trading with another EM if the date doesn’t work for them.)
Training: Required to take the Safeguarding God’s People course, which is on the Diocesan Web Site, listed under For Congregations (Usually about 2 hours needed, unless you are especially good with computers.) Brooks will provide a practical training when able to schedule it with you.
Licensing: you apply for a Eucharistic Minister license from the Bishop, with the endorsement of the Dean.
Contact person: The Rev.Canon Dorothy R. Curry, or 619-756-4412