What is Epiphany?
On Epiphany, we recall the arrival of the wise men to visit the newborn baby Jesus. Epiphany spans from January 6 to the beginning of Lent. This Holy Season reminds us that Christmas is just the beginning of the story. All are invited to celebrate with us at our Epiphany Party! Read more about this special event below.

Join us as we partake in Epiphany traditions like chalking the Cathedral door (click here to learn more), enjoy King’s Cake and other treats, and support our ministry partner Episcopal Community Services.
What should I bring?
All are invited to bring diapers and baby formula for Episcopal Community Services Early Head Start Program to “seek and serve Christ in all persons”, including the infants and toddlers in our community!

What is Early Head Start?
Early Head Start focuses on children from birth to three years of age, as well as pregnant and postpartum women. Comprehensive services include parenting classes, individualized plans for children and transition services for children moving onto preschool. ECS Early Head Start program options include:
- Services to Pregnant Women
- Home-Based: comprehensive services for children from birth to 3 years of age..
- Center-Based: comprehensive services for children 2 to 3 years of age in a center-based setting, extended day and five days per week.
- Family Child Care Program: comprehensive services for children 18 months to 3 years of age.