St. Paul’s Cathedral Simpler Living Creation Care Ministry:
There are – and will always be – reasons for appreciation, gratitude, and even joy as we consider the advances made for God’s good creation. Here are three of them: federal coastal habitat protection, TEC divestment from the fossil fuel industry, and a book you won’t want to miss.
Federal Coastal Habitat Protection
The Coastal Habitat Conservation Act now sits on President Biden’s desk awaiting his signature. According to the Ocean Conservancy, “Coastal habitats – like salt marshes, mangrove forests, wetlands, and seagrass meadows – provide homes for fish, shellfish, birds, and other animals. They also play a critical role in buffering storm surges, minimizing sea level rise, and preventing flooding and coastal erosion….” all which is literally close to home!
Here’s an opportunity to learn more about it and thank our representatives for working together to pass this important legislation. Click here.
TEC Divestment From Fossil Fuel Industry
On December 11, The Episcopal Church reported its entire divestment from the fossil fuel industry! Not only is this an example of walking our Christian talk; it is also a brave model for all of our Episcopal entities: “The divestment from companies in the fossil fuel industry is partly rooted in Resolution C045 adopted by the 78th General Convention in 2015. It called on the church to “divest from fossil fuel companies and reinvest in clean renewable energy in a fiscally responsible manner.” It encouraged all dioceses and congregations to consider doing the same.”
For the full article, go to the Episcopal Churches website (Click Here).
What If We Get It Right
While you are decorating, baking, chilling cozily, or taking a long winter walk, consider listening to this wonderfully-read (by the author), hope-filled audiobook on visionary climate solutions, What If We Get It Right, by Ayana Elizabeth Johnson. As the author states, “Sometimes the bravest thing we can do while facing an existential crisis is to imagine life on the other side.”
O Joy, O Love, O Radiant Light,: the Son of God draws nigh!