Powerful words!

Webster’s tells us” Education” is an action or process of educating or of being educated. Ministry, according to Webster’s second description is “Instrumentality” a quality or state of being instrumental.

Hello my name is Cecil Keener I am the Education for Ministry Coordinator for the Episcopal Diocese of San Diego. I am also an Education for Ministry (EFM) Mentor at St Paul’s Cathedral. Those of us, who are not called to the priesthood and yet want to honor our baptismal vows, look for deeper meaning to our lives in an effort to fulfill them. When we say “Here I am send me” what exactly does that mean? Send me where? To do what? What am I capable of? Where do my talents lie?

The University of the South at Sewanee Tennessee has developed a correspondence course that enables you to delve into those very questions and decide just exactly what God is calling you to do!. The course is called Education for Ministry. Ministry in the “instrumental” form. Paul in his letters taught us that we are part of the Body of Christ. We are the visual representatives of the Gifts of God’s Grace to everyone we meet. How we conduct ourselves will affect” someone”. That is our Ministry! What does that mean exactly?

I invite you to investigate the EFM program. There are seven Mentors so far in the Diocese. We are currently planning for next year’s sessions. If you live in the following areas please contact one of us and we will be happy to answer your questions. There are online opportunities for anyone who has difficulty getting to a particular place.

Linda Nelson: Temecula

Sandy Smolinski: Sun City

Catherine Campbell, at Del Mar

Mary Wavrik, at Del Mar

Sue Anderson, at Del Mar

Judy Preston, at San Diego

Cecil Keener, at San Diego

Thank You and God Bless!

Cecil L Keener

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