Dean’s Letter: Summer Music Invitation

Hello St. Paul’s,

This weekend marks the beginning of our long green season and effectively the beginning of summer. In several recent years, we have enjoyed Summer Socials, informal gatherings at the homes of parishioners, every few weeks during this season. This year we are taking a slightly different approach, gearing our special summer gatherings to highlight our exciting Music Center capital project, as we move into the home stretch of the capital campaign.

Canon Martin Green is currently hard at work planning two unique events in June, both of them with a musical dimension, and both open to everyone.

On Saturday June 15, at 5 pm, in the Cathedral, some of our most talented young singers will delight us with a recital of solos and duets, as they prepare for their participation at the prestigious American Institute of Musical Studies in Graz, Austria. These young people are all active members of our cathedral choirs and they are also students at SDSU. We benefit from their music in worship every Sunday; here’s a chance to hear them in a different context, accompanied by Canon Green. We will have refreshments and a time of fellowship, along with the latest news on the Music Center project and an opportunity to schmooze with our gifted musicians. Be sure to RSVP for the Rising Star Showcase on Facebook.

On Sunday, June 30, at 5 pm, instead of the usual Choral Evensong, we will host an old-fashioned Hymn Sing. We all know how much fun it is to sing beloved hymns in a big crowd in our incomparable space. This will be an event for the whole Diocese and will feature a brass ensemble as well as our magnificent organ. I hope you will invite friends and neighbors to join you. There will be an opportunity to vote on a favorite hymn. And of course there will be fellowship and refreshments after the singing, with cold drinks to soothe our well-used vocal chords. You can also RSVP for this even on Facebook.

For both of these gatherings we will invite donations at the door, much as we do for the Great Hall Chamber Music series; and there will be additional opportunities to support the Music Center project.

I hope that we will add a couple more events later in the summer, so that we can continue to strengthen our friendships and deepen community. If you would like to host or sponsor a gathering, please be in touch!

See you on Sunday.

Your sister in Christ,

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1 thought on “Dean’s Letter: Summer Music Invitation”

  1. Both wonderful opportunities. Here’s hoping these lovely events open hearts and move us forward on the Music Center campaign.


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