Day 3 at General Convention

Dean Penny writes,
#GC79 day 3 started with a hearing of the Safeguarding committee, discussing resolutions including one updating definitions around sexual misconduct. What are the boundsries for clergy dating lay people? The discussion was almost over when a Spanish-speaking committee member spoke up through an interpreter, making me realize how infrequently our Spanish-speaking friends make what is obviously a huge effort to be heard. In this case the comment was extremely important and caused the resolution to be sent back to a subcommittee for a significant revision. There has been quite a bit of discontent over inadequate interpretation and translation services this week.

In our legislative session several people offered amendments to the prayer book revision resolution, a compromise resolution offered by the committee, and the measure was approved. If the House of Bishops concurs, a process of revision will be launched that will take at least 12 years.

This afternoon we had a joint session, a TEC Talk on evangelism, with several speakers including the awesome Daniel Velez Rivera and Lauren Winner. I had a joyful reunion with old friend and now Bishop DeDe Duncan-Probe over a cup of tea, and then it was onto the buses for a Revival service at the Palmer Center – a huge crowd, terrific, Spirit-filled praise, Gospel, and bluegrass music led by, among others, Sandra Montes, and an amazing double-act sermon by ++ Michael Curry and his Spanish interpreter. The much-ballyhooed Texas BBQ afterwards was a big disappointment, with not nearly enough food and a lack of organization.

Rumor has it that my former bishops Peter Lee and James R. Mathes are in town – I will be looking for them tomorrow. Meanwhile we are all praying for those affected by the fires back home. Oh, and did I mention that Westboro Baptist is picketing our meetings this weekend? A good opportunity to practice the Way of Love.

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