Christmas around the Diocese

I think one of the coolest things about being an Episcopalian is that we are more than just our own church. We are a diocese, which extends from North County San Diego to the Mexico-US border, from the Pacific Ocean to Yuma, Arizona. We encompass San Diego, Riverside, Imperial Counties and Yuma, Arizona, with the Rt. Rev. James R. Mathes serving as our bishop. We can rely on a support network much bigger than St. Paul’s, wonderful and robust as it is. 49 other congregations share our liturgy and structure while maintaining their own identity. To give you a feel for that uniqueness, watch this slideshow of the Christmas season in churches around the diocese, and turn up your speakers!

Happy Advent!

Hannah Miller is Communications Coordinator for the Episcopal Diocese of San Diego. If you have any questions about the Diocese, contact Hannah at

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