Dean’s Letter: BCP Scavenger Hunt

Hello St. Paul’s, It seems that most people enjoy the quizzes we see on social media, so this week I invite you to test your knowledge of our great Anglican treasure, the Book of Common Prayer, by going on a short scavenger hunt with me through our Prayer Book. I have twelve questions for you. … READ MORE…

Literally Feeding the Flock

From St. Paul’s Sacred Ground in Action (SGIA) Ministry: While we certainly don’t live by bread alone, it’s fascinating to explore the cultural history of cuisine that enriches our nation’s experience. Raw food is a gift from God, and the finished product a gift from our neighbors. This Yes! Magazine encore article offers a glimpse … READ MORE…

A Fast From Silence

From St. Paul’s Simpler Living Creation Care Ministry:  This second week in Lent, Climate Stewards invites us to consider adding a Fast from Silence which does sound a bit counterintuitive.  It’s not meant that we should put aside meditation and silent prayer.  We are invited to “speak up about the climate crisis and…” share with … READ MORE…

Black History Month Through the Arts

From St. Paul’s Sacred Ground in Action (SGIA) Ministry: These offerings represent only the current tip of the iceberg delving into the historical richness of Black American cultural and tradition. As many have said, Black history IS American History! Through a musical lens, Henry Louis Gates Jr. hosted this deeply powerful history of Gospel in … READ MORE…

A Lenten Fast from Carbon

From St. Paul’s Simpler Living Creation Care Ministry: Climate Stewards USA invites us to consider a Carbon Fast for Lent. Each week an email which contains a fasting challenge and prayer will be sent. An example from week one: While we prepare a spiritual discipline for the weeks ahead, we recall that we are called to … READ MORE…

Sunday’s Sermon, February 11, 2024: Before & After

Dean penny bridges preaching at pulpit

Penelope Bridges There are certain moments that divide a life into before and after. The birth of a child; baptism as an adult; a wedding day; the death of a spouse; a serious accident or diagnosis; a national catastrophe. We probably all know where we were on September 11 2001. The images of that day … READ MORE…

Dean’s Letter: Annual Meeting Report 2024

Hello St. Paul’s, Episcopal Churches have their own way of governing, and a great opportunity to witness this tradition is to attend our Annual Parish Meeting. In case you missed it, here’s a report from the meeting that took place on January 28. It was my privilege as Dean to chair the meeting. Following the … READ MORE…