The Sunday Sermon: Connecting with Prayer

A few years ago in another parish, we had a Vacation Bible School that was pretty awesome. One of the things we did in that week was an experiment. We took a balloon filled with air that was supposed to represent us- any one of us. The balloon looked really fun, especially when you have … READ MORE…

Dean Letter: Doxology Life

Dear St. Paul’s family, All of our recent congregational surveys have indicated a strong desire to offer some kind of alternative worship experience. As you know, our Sunday services are quite formal and traditional, which we love, but we also have a nagging feeling that an offering with a different vibe might appeal to people … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon: Send Her Back

Let’s start with a pop quiz: imagine that I say something in this sermon that you find disturbing or offensive, or even (God forbid) boring. What is your response? Do you a) make an appointment to meet with me and talk about it; b) write a letter to the bishop about it; or c) complain … READ MORE…

Dean Letter: John Peeling Choir Memories

Dear St. Paul’s family, One of our core ministries is that of music, and we are justifiably proud of our choirs. Here are some reflections on being a chorister from John Peeling, who has sung in our choir since 1963. When I was a young child we lived in an apartment right across the street … READ MORE…

Dean Letter: Endowment Introduction

Dear St. Paul’s Family, One of the responsibilities of Chapter is to ensure faithful stewardship of our financial resources. Treasurer Betsey Monsell offers an introduction to our Enduring Gifts funds. As we celebrate our 150th anniversary this year, we remember those who have left lasting legacies to St Paul’s Cathedral Enduring Gifts (endowment funds) so … READ MORE…

Dean Letter: B&G Introduction

Dear St. Paul’s family, Chapter recently chartered a Buildings & Grounds Committee (“B&G,”) as one of the standing committees of the Cathedral. Mark Lester has graciously agreed to serve as chair. Here is Mark’s introduction to the mission and scope of the committee. The traditional responsibilities of Chapter center on what are sometimes called “the … READ MORE…

Dean Letter: Education For Ministry

Dear St. Paul’s family, One June 30 we will celebrate the graduation of three parishioners from the Education for Ministry program. Below is a reflection that Mark Patzman has written on EfM, entitled Finding Your Ministry Through Community. Ten years ago, this month, I first came to the Cathedral following a 20-year plus hiatus from … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon: Too Holy for Who?

This week we will observe the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall Riots, which marked the moment when LGBTQ people in this country launched a Herculean effort of breaking down homophobia across the land, an effort that continues today. PBS has been running a documentary called the Lavender Scare, about the appalling persecution of government employees … READ MORE…

Dean Letter: Summer Socials

Dear St. Paul’s family, Many of you attended at least one of our lovely Summer Social gatherings last year. They were hugely successful and now it’s time for the next step. We are already seeing some construction around the cathedral campus, and it’s going to become more and more important to bring cathedral folks together … READ MORE…

Dean Letter: Daily Office Logistics

Dear St. Paul’s family, One of the foundations of our Anglican tradition is the Daily Office, which means the short services of Scripture and prayer that all Episcopalians can do at different times of the day. For centuries, Morning Prayer and Evening Prayer have been said daily in cathedrals, and St. Paul’s is no exception. … READ MORE…