Dean’s Letter: Who Are These all Robed in White

Hello St. Paul’s, From time to time someone makes a comment that makes me realize that they think we have a lot of clergy on staff. When you see all those robed individuals in the procession on Sunday, it’s easy to assume that they are all on staff, and you probably wonder about all the … READ MORE…

Sunday’s Sermon, May 5,2024: Pushing the Boundaries

Dean penny bridges preaching at pulpit

Penelope Bridges Alleluia, Christ is risen. The Lord is risen indeed, Alleluia. Once again our lectionary from Acts drops us into the middle of a story. So here’s the context: a Roman centurion named Cornelius, was what we might today call a seeker. He was exploring the monotheistic faith of the Jews and practiced charity … READ MORE…

Sharing is Caring

St. Paul’s Simpler Living Creation Care Ministry: Simpler Living is grateful for having had the opportunity to partner with our sister Cathedral ministries – Administration, Adult Formation, and Family Ministry – during Earth Month. We grow so much when we share our interests and work together. We have learned and benefited from the good words and … READ MORE…

Letter from Claudia: Showers Of Blessings

Showers Of Blessings at St. Paul’s2015 – 2024 Nine years ago, a handful of parishioners decided it was high time for St. Paul’s to reach out to the growing homeless population of men and women living in Balboa Park.  The diocese had a mobile Shower Unit and we had two parking lots, a water supply, … READ MORE…

If we love creation, let’s learn more about it!

From our Simpler Living Creation Care Ministry:  Remember this quote shared by Fr. Brian Petersen in his Cathedral Creation Care Sunday sermon? “In the end we will conserve only what we love; we will love only what we understand; and we will understand only what we are taught.” Baba Dioum Here is one teaching: the enlightening … READ MORE…

Dean’s Letter: Words of our Worship – Laying the Table

silver chalice eucharist cup

Dear St. Paul’s family, Here’s another in our occasional series of “Words of our Worship”. This one is about Laying the Table. When we lay the table for a dinner party we are careful to include the right forks, knives, condiments, place mats and dishes. The same goes for setting the altar for the sacrament … READ MORE…

Dean’s Letter: Episcopal History

Hello St. Paul’s, The history and identity of our church, the Episcopal Church, is complicated. Like most Christian denominations we are the product of a historic split; our name, Episcopal, is used by several denominations; and as part of the Anglican Communion we are part of a particular ethnic tradition. I want to say a … READ MORE…

Pray, Study, & Act for Creation!

St. Paul’s Simpler Living Creation Care Ministry: How fitting it is that Earth Day comes around our faith-filled time of renewal. St Paul’s will celebrate Creation Care Sunday in our worship with Fr Brian Petersen and in the Adult forum with artist Jan Phillips. And beyond the day we recognize as Earth Day, there are … READ MORE…

Protecting Our Oceans One Cup at a Time

St. Paul’s Simpler Living Creation Care Ministry: Here is an action from Creation Justice Ministries that you can take to encourage our representatives to help us reduce the plastic that contaminates our ocean, among many other precious environments. Urge Congress to Pass the REDUCE Act! (Click Here) We can also make an effort to reduce … READ MORE…