Letter From Kate Gould: Unconditional Hospitality

Beloved Church, I want to talk to you about our children. We have a small bunch of kiddos I see in the pray-ground on Sunday mornings. They are bright, loving, and curious. One is very serious about church and loves to swing the thurible and pretend to pour wine into the chalice. Two of them … READ MORE…

Dean’s Letter: Finding Inner Peace

Dear St. Paul’s family, I am sure you are aware of the generally heightened sense of anxiety that surrounds us these days. I certainly feel it, and maybe you do too. There is plenty to be anxious about: the recent wildfires and climate change; the graffiti on the church walls and hostility to progressive denominations; … READ MORE…

A Capitol Idea!

St. Paul’s Simpler Living Creation Care Ministry: In this – ahem – unusual political environment, some folks are exercising their agency by thoughtfully supporting efforts to mitigate the worst impacts of climate change. While what affects one of us affects ALL of us, here is one that impacts us directly. In the last 5 years, … READ MORE…

Migration with Dignity Sunday, February 23

St. Paul’s Sacred Ground in Action: Along with other Episcopal congregations throughout the country, St. Paul’s will hold Migration with Dignity Sunday. Initiated by TEC Episcopal Migration Caucus, this effort supports the “Migration with Dignity” resolution adopted last summer at General Convention which promotes “specific principles about migration that resonate with the teachings of Jesus … READ MORE…

Black History Month 2025

Sacred Ground In Action Ministry: We can’t know what we don’t know… And we can’t act as responsible members of our community when we don’t have access to the unvarnished truth, whether from our church or in our schools and libraries. TEC Executive Council member Joe McDaniel says, “This month emphasizes the importance of education, … READ MORE…

Guiding The Way

Aren’t you proud of our Episcopal church right now?  There’s so much at stake our courageous leaders are guiding us in speaking truth to power. One of the best ways to keep track of the current state of this beautiful country is through the work of The Episcopal Church’s (TEC) Office of Government Relations (OGR) … READ MORE…

A Letter from Susan Jester: Our Evangelism Ministry

As the Episcopal branch of the Jesus Movement, we exist to follow Jesus and help the whole world to grow loving, liberating and life-giving relationships with God, with each other and with creation.  Episcopal Evangelism is one of the most important ministries in the Movement- this is where we focus on accompanying our neighbors and … READ MORE…