Post Election Prayer Service (11.6.24)

EVENING PRAYERS FOR PEACE November 6, 2024 via Zoom Regular text will be said by the leader, text in bold will be said by representatives of the congregation. If you would like to join in aloud, please mute your microphone. Please participate as you feel led, or feel free to rest in quiet contemplation. Please mute … READ MORE…

Dean’s Letter: Election Prayers from the Listening Hub

Hello St. Paul’s, We now know the outcome of Tuesday’s election, at least in broad strokes, and I know many of you are unhappy with the results. Regardless of events in the world, we are people of prayer, and our response to historic moments, whether they are joyful or tragic, always includes prayer. If you … READ MORE…

Thoughts to Sustain us in the Days Ahead

St Paul’s Simpler Living Creation Care Ministry: “No matter what happens [in this election], we know that the work of climate justice and a sustainable healthy future for all must continue.” Amy Brooks Paradise, GreenFaith With the election of a new president, nothing has really changed in our need to take action on the crisis impacting … READ MORE…

Dignity, Not Hate

In the summer of 2024, the 81st General Convention passed the Migration with Dignity resolution.  As the resolution states, “Migration with Dignity is a statement of specific principles about migration that resonate with the teachings of Jesus and our baptismal promise to ‘respect the dignity of every human being.’”  Migration with Dignity is a framework to guide ministry … READ MORE…

Election Day Perspective

From Simpler Living Creation Care Ministry: Preoccupied with election tension? Nervous about what the future holds? Join Center for Spirituality and Nature’s Director Beth Norcross as she invites us on a virtual stress-reducing walk through the Shenandoah National Park. Click here to watch online. Or sometime this week head to your favorites quiet space – … READ MORE…

Sunday’s Sermon, October 20, 2024: The Servant Leader

Penelope Bridges Several things strike me about the Gospel we just heard: Maybe what the disciples suffer from here is a simple lack of imagination. What Jesus is predicting just doesn’t compute for them. The Messiah executed? Rise again after three days? Inconceivable. They are still stuck in this misconception that Jesus will be a … READ MORE…

Trunk or Treat 2024

Sat., Oct. 26, 4 pm, St. Paul’s Senior Services (328 Mapel Street, 92103) Join us for our annual Trunk or Treat in the St. Paul’s Senior Services parking lot! This year’s theme is MAD SCIENCE! What is Trunk or Treat? It is an alternative to Trick or Treating which, takes place in one location, where … READ MORE…

It’s Climate Week 2024!

From St. Paul’s Simpler Living Creation Care Ministry: It’s Climate Week in New York City, and meaningful to all of us as it was scheduled to coincide with the annual United Nations General Assembly meeting.  “The event brings together leaders across all industries calling for large-scale, international action to address climate change and offers us … READ MORE…