Letter from Ann Gary: We Are So Fortunate

I was shocked– shocked! — to realize recently that it has been over 50 years since I was first licensed– yes, licensed!–  to read at St. Paul’s.  The length of time I have been reading was brought home to me by the fact that the Diocese of San Diego is celebrating its 50th anniversary. When I … READ MORE…

Remembering Rev. Dr. King

From St. Paul’s Sacred Ground in Action Committee: God gifts the world with many saints, some walking in our midst! At the right time in the right place in our troubled history, Dr King was one of those saints. We have so much to thank him for, and there is so much of his work … READ MORE…

Get Out Your Calendar!

From St. Paul’s Simpler Living Creation Care Ministry: Hear a 2024 climate policy analysis and update on Interfaith Power and LIght’s policy priorities going into the new year, as well as their 2024 Faith Votes  campaign.  Register for the “What’s on Deck for Climate Policy in 2024” briefing on Thursday, January 23 1 – 2 pm PT. … READ MORE…

Dean’s Letter: Forming Mature Christians

Hello St. Paul’s, Happy New Year! You’ve probably heard many times that Christian formation is a lifelong pursuit. In the Episcopal Church we strive to empower people to be informed and thoughtful about their faith. We do this through Sunday worship, including sermons, but also through parish communications and the various formational classes and study … READ MORE…

Formation Offerings at St. Paul’s (1st Quarter)

Christian formation is the lifelong process of growing in relationship with God, self, others and all creation. In this process, we are transformed into the people God wants us to be. (The Episcopal Church) Sunday Morning Forums Sunday morning forums take place every week at 9 am in the Guild Room of St. Paul’s (unless … READ MORE…

Sermon, December 25, 2023: Be The Shamash

Christmas DayPenelope Bridges Alleluia, unto us a child is born.O come, let us adore him. Most of you probably don’t attend both Midnight Mass and Christmas Day, but if you do, you know that the two services couldn’t be more different. Last night was full of mystery and anticipation: the candles we held up as … READ MORE…

A Different Kind of Gift

From St. Paul’s Simpler Living Creation Care Ministry: Simpler Living’s hope for the New Year is that Cathedral congregants will take a moment to learn about Power San Diego’s plan to democratize our energy resources in San Diego County, then stop by our Simpler Living table and sign on to support the ballot proposal. For more … READ MORE…