People’s Warden: Chapter report

Lots of updating to do from your People’s Warden ─ We have five vacancies in the Chapter: four completed their three-year tenure and a one-year replacement for Cassie Lewis who resigned for personal reasons (a marriage at the end of this month!). The Nominating Committee has tapped five replacements, four new members and one to … READ MORE…

Youth Confirmation: a family experience

The Hulbert family Just after Christmas, all those interested in confirmation, reception, exploring their faith or learning about the Episcopal Church have the opportunity to sign up for the class What is an Episcopalian? at St. Paul’s Cathedral. My husband Doug and I took the class in 2011, even though we were confirmed long ago … READ MORE…

Joyous Day

When the angels had left them and gone into heaven, the shepherds said to one another, ‘Let us go now to Bethlehem and see this thing that has taken place, which the Lord has made known to us.’ So they went with haste and found Mary and Joseph, and the child lying in the manger.When … READ MORE…

It’s Only a Number

If it is only a number, it seemed a significant one to me. Friends tell me about their angst over turning forty or fifty or sixty. But I’m here to tell you that turning seventy gave me plenty to think about. I don’t mean the fact that there are fewer years ahead than behind, although … READ MORE…

A Hope for Christmas, Advent part IV

It is the fourth week of Advent; may we remember children and their parents, they are and always have been the best hope the world knows. The child was made with breath & whispers; the warm tones of flesh in a rose-colored flush, the red of blood. The child, made in an embrace, was hope … READ MORE…

Responding to Newtown…with Kindness

28 Random Acts of Kindness is a simple, yet profound way to respond to tragedy. Many people have asked how they might respond to the tragedy of Newtown. Here’s a wonderful way to honor the memories of those who perished, by pushing back again violence with kindness. Consider doing 28 completely random acts of kindness … READ MORE…

Smoke carries our prayers to heaven

On a Sunday full as ever with last-minute liturgy changes and uncertain weather, and difficult questions arising from current events, I had a moment of quiet grace, brought to me by one of our tiny parishioners.   As a thurifer, I spend a bit of time outside the church walls during services, preparing the coals, and … READ MORE…