Chapter Report

As the People’s Warden of St. Paul’s Cathedral, I am on the Cathedral’s Chapter (Board of Directors, if you will) which primarily oversees the finances as well as the buildings and grounds of the Cathedral. I serve on the Endowment and Finance Committees as well as the Board of Directors of Saint Paul’s Senior Homes … READ MORE…

Zydeco Mass on Tuesday!

Laissez le bons temps rouler! All welcome to join us next Tuesday night for our annual “Mardi-Gras” mass as we usher in the season of Lent like no other. Bring your beads, costumes and masks and kick up your heels to the music of Zydeco Patrol. Music begins at 5:45 with the Eucharist at 6:00 … READ MORE…

Why not to say, “We’ve missed you!”

The Rt. Rev. Dan Thomas Edwards, Bishop of Nevada, has some scenarios about how to welcome back people who have been away for a while.  Some of these may surprise you. Do not make jokes about someone’s past absence or their return. You don’t know what you’re laughing at.  …Do not say, “We have missed … READ MORE…

Murder at the Cathedral!

Join members of the Diocese for a special performance of Pizzetti’s Murder in the Cathedral on Friday, April 5, 2013 at 7 p.m. at the Civic Theatre in downtown San Diego. Tickets Available Via Special Website with a 20% discount on most areas. There’s also: An  exclusive Community Conversation to be held in St. Paul’s … READ MORE…

Take the 40-Day Challenge: we need you!

Try googling “Lent”. On Wikipedia you will find that “The traditional purpose of Lent is the preparation of the believer—through prayer, penance, repentance, almsgiving, and self-denial.” Most Christians would agree with this.  However, I would like to ask those of you in the St. Paul’s community to think about Lent as a time to volunteer.  … READ MORE…

Meet the Chapter Candidates

2013 Chapter Candidates St. Paul’s Episcopal Cathedral Don Pellioni There are many things that I love about St. Paul’s.  It is a shining example of what a church community should ideally be – warm, welcoming, and inclusive. In this community, we are first accepted as the persons that we are.  We are then nourished by … READ MORE…

We Three Kings …

As part St. Paul’s Cathedral and Episcopal Diocese tradition for over 5 years, the Three Kings visited the foster children, staff and neighbors of Dorcas House on Sunday, January 6th. The Three Kings with Silvia and the children of Dorcas House   The Three Kings processed during the 10:30 am service on January 6th and were … READ MORE…

Welcoming the man in the seat by the aisle

Canon Chris Harris brings to our attention this post, originally published during Advent on the progressive Episcopalian blog “Friends of Jake”. Written by a member of St Paul’s, the essay was also featured in the newsletter for the Episcopal Diocese of Central New York Last Sunday, I was sitting in the side section on the right … READ MORE…