Photos from St George’s Day

The Dragon awaits the parade, skewered by a sword  Look closely at the gravity-defying thurible! Multiple images of St George Hard working children carry the dragon Verger Almira shepherds the choir Verger Stephanie leads the flagbearers Loose canons?  Cathedral Canon Christine and Diocesan Canon Howard Last but not least, Head Verger Lisa, Bishop’s Chaplain Roger, … READ MORE…

Seminary Snapshots: A New Series

St Paul’s has a number of seminarians studying for the priesthood, at traditional seminaries and at our new School for Ministry.  We’re introducing a new series here, “Seminary Snapshots”, to hear from them about their seminary experience.  Do keep them in your thoughts and prayers as they pursue their studies!  Jackie Bray writes us from … READ MORE…

Chapter: People’s Warden Reports

As the People’s Warden of St. Paul’s Cathedral, I am on the Cathedral’s Chapter (Board of Directors, if you will) which primarily oversees the finances as well as the buildings and grounds of the Cathedral. I serve on the Endowment and Finance Committees. Yet as the People’s Warden, I envision myself primarily as representing the … READ MORE…

Triduum: a reflection

 I know the hymn by heart. It’s one that we repeated during my youth as the ‘Communion Hymn’, but to a different tune than we find in the Episcopal Hymnal 1982. Now when I sing it at St. Paul’s, I show off by not referring to the hymnbook for any of its stanzas, ama zing … READ MORE…