Budget Alerts, Immigration Webinar, and Civic Engagement Advice from TEC 

Eliminate Medical Debt – Medical necessities should not create an enormous financial burden on the individual! Urge your Congress members to address and work to fix the current medical debt system.

Address the Opioid Epidemic – Please contact your federal representatives and ask them to continue their work investing in opioid addiction prevention and treatment.  

Episco-Pols Season 3! – The 2024 U.S. election season is well underway, as is our Episcopal election engagement. In our first episode of season three, we set the stage for what it means to vote and vote faithfully. Rebecca and Alan explore aspects of election engagement, emerging concerns for this year, how Episcopalians can get involved, and why it’s important to embody healthy, faith-informed civic engagement.

For more information: episcopalchurch.org

From the Episcopal Public Policy Network of California 

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