As the Episcopal branch of the Jesus Movement, we exist to follow Jesus and help the whole world to grow loving, liberating and life-giving relationships with God, with each other and with creation. Episcopal Evangelism is one of the most important ministries in the Movement- this is where we focus on accompanying our neighbors and communities as we all develop more loving, liberating, life-giving relationships with God on the journey.
So, what exactly is the Episcopal practice of evangelism? Scripture tells us it is rooted in the Greek work evangelion, meaning gospel, glad tiding or good news (see Mark 16:15). With the Great Commission, Jesus sent his followers to go make disciples everywhere, baptizing and teaching people to follow his commandments. (Matthew 28:16-20). In the Baptismal Covenant, we promise to “proclaim by word and example the Good News of God in Christ” and we “seek and serve Christ in all persons, loving your neighbor as yourself” (BCP, 305).
Episcopal evangelism is not some heavy-handed duty. It is not a tool, and not merely for use to get more people as converts, church members, or pledging units. At its heart, Episcopal evangelism is a spiritual practice. When we do it, we embody the very life and practice of Jesus in the world (active); and we are filled with the Spirit and formed ever more into the likeness of Christ (receptive). It’s a joyful sharing of what you know to be good news and deep truth, and a celebration of how you see God at work in others’ lives and in the world. It wells up from the experience of God’s love poured out for us and into us, so much love that it can’t help but overflow in grateful story and celebration.
“Evangelism is about sharing the journey into a deeper relationship with God and with each other, and not about us controlling the end result. It’s not increasing our market share, and it’s not just propping up the institution. If we believe the relationship with a living God does matter, and that loving relationship with each other matters, then evangelism and anything that helps us to come closer as human children of God matters.” (source: https://www.episcopalchurch.org/ministries/evangelism/)
A practical description of Episcopal evangelism is that “we seek, name and celebrate Jesus’ loving presence in the stories of all people- then invite everyone to more!” (Ibid)
In other words, we share our story. At the heart of our Christian faith is the Great Story, the collection of stories of God’s creating, redeeming work in Scripture, especially in the story of Jesus. We are all part of this Great Story – all made in God’s image, all moving through a world shot through with God – but we need to grow our capacity to seek, name and celebrate God at work in our own lives. Tell the stories of God’s goodness in your life – journal them and practice with others. Then, ask people for their stories. It is an amazing dance when we welcome other people’s stories, share our own, and link it all to the Great Story.
The Evangelism Ministry at St. Paul’s Cathedral is all about sharing our stories in various ways as we interact with our community outside our four walls: Ashes To Go, Pride events, neighborhood prayer walks, and more individual contact at the monthly Community Dinners, Greeter tables, Newcomer Brunches, Christmas Family to Family program and many other community engagement opportunities. If you enjoy meeting and talking with people and participating in fun events that give our Cathedral community greater visibility in our neighborhood and surrounding communities, please join the Evangelism Committee and be a part of the Cathedral for the City where together we Love Christ, Serve Others, and Welcome All!
Susan Jester
Great article, Susan. This is the kind of thinking on the theological and spiritual centrality of Evangelism for Christian faith we all need to keep in mind and heart. Without the food of intentional and interfaith-appreciative Evangelism, church social justice ministry is a dying vine cut off from the vitality of its primary nutrient. Our greatest work (such as the Civil and Gay Rights movements) is fed and vitalized via the unified interplay of knowing the Good News of God’s transcending love, sharing it and acting on it. Sharing the Good News will take us to great heights, just as it did the other saints who’ve gone before us. What makes me cry when I see images of 60’s civil rights marches or the resistance in Tiananmen Square is the presence of God acting in them. Faith needs works but works need faith, too.